2018 X-Series Catalog - Thermal Straps by TAI

TAI Releases the 2018 X-Series™ Thermal Strap Catalog

2018 X-Series Catalog - Thermal Straps by TAI

I am proud to announce the release of the 2018 X-Series Catalog! Our latest catalog features the X-Series standard line; straps made with your choice of Pyrolytic Graphite Sheet (PGS), or our high conductance Graphene Foils (our PGL and GTL product lines).  The X-Series is the world's only standard model thermal strap product line made with graphite and graphene sheets/foils, and the carbon based sheets used offer the highest material thermal conductivity in the industry. X-Series Thermal Links / Straps are available in 6 standard models, with 2 semi-customizable end fitting types (in addition to our free bolt pattern and sheet length customization).

While they are more delicate than their metallic and graphite fiber thermal strap counterparts, these straps offer exponentially greater thermal performance, and are ideal for applications with limited volumes, and a  high conductance to low mass ratio, like FPGA's, optical systems, cubesats, and electronics boxes.

Request your copy today, and as always, if you ever have any questions about our products, or would like to discuss a thermal strap program, please feel free to call or email me at any time. I am always available from 6 AM - 10 PM MST, 7 days/week!

IMPORTANT UPDATE: TAI will be releasing our 2019 CuTS® and GFTS® Catalogs in just a few months, and our engineering team is introducing several dozen new copper and graphite strap models. Keep an eye out, and be sure to come back this Fall to get your copies!


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